Military service completed!


I’m delighted to announce that after four long cold winter months my military service is finally over. This was something I was keen to complete, and it’s only I right that I should have to.

I really have to thank all the officers and NCOs who allowed me to combine my military service with my sporting activities, giving me time for physical training, testing and the various events associated with my racing career. Among them I would like to make special mention of Colonel Dattrino of the barracks at Airolo and Lieutenant Colonels Zeli and Brunati for their immense and unforgettable support, Captain Giugni, Staff Sergeant Kocher, First Lieutenants Mainetti and Hostettler, Liutenants Boo, Carron, Hophan and Meyer and Sergeants Burcher and Vaucher.

It was with their help that I have been able to achieve all the excellent results!