Back behind the wheel


After over four months' absence from the circuits, I'm finally about to get back behind the wheel of a racing car. This week I’ll be heading to Lisbon for the first two days of collective testing at the Estoril circuit. The car I’ll be driving this year will be of the same category but carrying different colours. Should any of you have missed the latest developments, for the 2014 season I’ve been handed the fantastic opportunity of racing for one of the best teams in the series, ART Grand Prix. I’ll have six days’ testing to get to grips with the car, the two at Estoril, then two in Jerez and two in Barcelona. There’s still a full month to get ready for the first race, but once we’re underway time flies. You'll be able get live updates on the tests on Twitter by following GP3_Official or by following me personally on Twitter (AlexJ_Fontana) or Facebook (Alex J. Fontana), where at the end of each day I'll be publishing my first impressions direct from the track.